
Breaking down the assessment flow into stages
March, 2023

It is possible to divide an assessment flow into several stages through which candidates can progress.

There are two main applications of stages in the assessment process.

  1. The first is to categorize candidates based on the stages they are in, which is facilitated by creating distinct stages and advancing candidates through them.
    1. The second is to customize the assessment flow according to the candidate's current stage, allowing for a more tailored and efficient assessment process. This can include implementing a multi-step assessment where candidates can only access specific tests (steps) once they have advanced to a certain stage in the assessment.

      Defining the stages

      To define the distinct stages of an assessment process, navigate to your Task's settings and open the Miscellaneous panel and expand the Stages section.

      You can create stages and organize them in the desired order.

      There are three stages that have been established: Longlist, Shortlist, and Final stages.
      There are three stages that have been established: Longlist, Shortlist, and Final stages.

      Assigning a stage to a candidate

      Once the stages have been defined, the candidate registration panel will begin to feature the option for selecting a stage.

      It is only possible to assign a candidate to one stage at any given time.

      Assigning a stage to multiple candidates

      To assign a stage to several candidates at once, go to the candidates panel of the Task, retrieve the appropriate list of candidates, select multiple candidates, and then click on the Edit button at the top of the table.

      Once you have accessed the bulk candidates update panel, choose the "Overwrite: Stage" option and indicate the desired stage that you wish to assign to all selected candidates. Finally, click on the Save button to proceed with the changes.

      Retrieving the list of candidates who are in a particular stage

      After defining the stages, the candidate search panel will feature the Stage filter. You can choose one of the defined stages to obtain a list of candidates assigned to that stage.

      To access the Stage filter, click on the "Show more" button.

      Establishing a stage as a requirement for a step in the assessment process

      You can prevent candidates who are not assigned to a particular stage from accessing a step in your Task. In other words, you can make it a prerequisite for candidates to be assigned to a particular stage before allowing them to access one of your steps in the assessment process.

      To establish a stage as a requirement for a step, navigate to the Task settings, expand the Steps panel, click on the orange gear icon beside the desired step, and access the Prerequisites section. From there, choose the "Add precondition based on stages" option and indicate which stages should be permitted for the step.

      If you choose to set multiple stages as prerequisites, any candidate who is assigned to any of the specified stages will be able to access the step.
      Access to the step will only be granted to candidates assigned to either the Shortlist or Final stage.
      Access to the step will only be granted to candidates assigned to either the Shortlist or Final stage.

      An example of a use case

      Suppose you have designed an assessment consisting of two tests. The first test is accessible to all candidates. Once the first test is completed, you want to review the resumes of candidates who performed well on the test and allow only a select few to proceed with the second test. To accomplish this, you can create a single stage called "Shortlist" and assign it to the chosen candidates. Additionally, you should designate the "Shortlist" stage as a prerequisite for the second test.


      Mustafa Ekim

      Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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