Creating a rubric

You can create rubrics to create grading guidelines.
October, 2022

Create Rubrics and use them for easy grading. Rubrics work as a guideline that you can use to calculate the total score instead of an auto-evaluation method. Instead of a pre-determined fail or pass situation, the evaluator can grade the success rate of the Test-taker based on a scale determined by the Rubric.


Evaluators can grade questions easily by interacting with the rubric. The system will automatically calculate the Total score of the question after grading.

Grading with a rubric<br>
Grading with a rubric

Evaluators can leave feedback while grading with a Rubric. Test-takers needs special permissions to the see the Feedback and Rubric

Test-taker with only rubric permission
Test-taker with only rubric permission
Without permission to see the Feedback the Test-taker only has access to basic Rubric
Test-takers with feedback permission.
Test-takers with feedback permission.
Test-takers can only see the Feedback and the grading when they have permission.

Customizing a rubric

Customize the rubric according to your needs. You can change headers, success percentages, descriptions, or titles based on your needs. You can also add or remove columns and rows.

Basic rubric example<br>
Basic rubric example
Criteria totals can't go past %100


You can customize which parts of the Rubric are visible to who.

Rubric settings<br>
Rubric settings
You can use Preview to check how the Rubric will look for different roles.

Rubric types

There are 4 types of Rubrics you can use.

Percentage selection

Allows you to add percentage-based success on subjects of your choosing. You can assign success levels using the Headers.

Percentage selection rubric
Percentage selection rubric

Percentage custom selection

Allows you to add percentage-based success on subjects of your choosing. The Percentage custom selection rubric doesn't have shared headers so you can assign different headers for each subject according to your needs.

Percentage custom selection
Percentage custom selection

Percentage input

Allows you to add percentage-based success intervals on subjects of your choosing. You can assign success levels using the Headers.

Percentage input rubric<br>
Percentage input rubric

Percentage interval input

Allows you to add percentage-based success intervals on subjects of your choosing. The percentage interval input rubric doesn't have headers so you can assign different success rates for each subject according to your own needs.

Percentage interval input rubric<br>
Percentage interval input rubric
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