Endpoint: Listing Users

Endpoint: Listing Users
January, 2025
GET /api/integration/rest/v1/users

This endpoint lets you fetch multiple users under your organization. You can apply filters and pagination to your request using query parameters. 

Query ParametersExpected valuesDefault
mode"basic" | "detailed""basic"
  • mode: The mode of the return value. "detailed" mode will provide more information.
    • username: Ability to filter by username (case insensitive). The query will bring users with usernames that include the provided value.


        users: (Basic | Detailed)[];
        pagination: {
            totalItems: number;
            totalPages: number;
            currentPage: number;
            limit: number;
            next: string | null;
            previous: string | null;

      The type of the users depends on the value of mode provided in the query parameters. If the value of mode is "basic", the user object in the response will be in this type:

      // "basic" user object:
        userId: string;
        createdAt: number; // seconds
        username: string;
        fullname?: string; // might not exist in user
        email?: string; // might not exist in user

      If the value of mode is "detailed", you will receive all of the properties from "basic" and also these properties:

      // "detailed" user object:
      Basic & {
        organizationId: string;
        folder: string;
        tags: Record
        labels: string[];
        group: string;
        favorite: boolean;
        active: boolean;
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