Endpoint: Fetching a Test

Endpoint: Fetching a Test
January, 2025
GET /api/integration/rest/v1/tests/:id

This endpoint lets you fetch one test under your organization using its ID. 

Query ParametersExpected ValueDefault
mode"basic" | "detailed""basic"

With the "mode" parameter, you can choose to receive a smaller or a bigger object for each task, depending on your needs.

If the value of mode is "basic", the test object in the response will be in this type:

// "basic" test object:
  testId: string;
  title: string;
  createdAt: number; // seconds

If the value of mode is "detailed", you will receive all of the properties from "basic" and also these properties:

// "detailed" test object:
Basic & {
   organizationId: string;
   description: string;
   timeLimit: number; // seconds

   favorite: boolean;
   folder: string;
   labels: string[];
   tags: Record;

   sections: {
     uuid: string;
     title: string | null;
     timeLimit: number; //seconds
     noOfPages: number;
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