This endpoint lets you fetch one task under your organization using its ID.
Query Parameters | Expected Value | Default |
mode | "basic" | "detailed" | "basic" |
With the "mode" parameter, you can choose to receive a smaller or a bigger object for each task, depending on your needs.
If the value of mode is "basic", the task object in the response will be in this type:
// "basic" user object:
taskId: string;
title: string;
createdAt: number; //seconds
If the value of mode is "detailed", you will receive all of the properties from "basic" and also these properties:
// "detailed" user object:
Basic & {
organizationId: string;
favorite: boolean;
folder: string;
labels: string[];
tags: Record;
lang: "default" | "tr" | "en" | "es" | "fr" | "nl" | "it" | "sr" | "sv" | "de" | "no" | "ru" | "pt";
accessMethod: "invitation-code" | "single-credential" | "double-credential" | "no-auth";
active: boolean;
activeAfter: number | null; // seconds
activeBefore: number | null; // seconds
steps: {
id: string;
title: string;
active: boolean;
activeBefore: number | null; // seconds
activeAfter: number | null; // seconds
attemptLimit: number;
test: {
testId: string;
organizationId: string;
source: "own-test" | "marketplace" | "recruitment-test-library" | "talent-library-test"
| "free-recruitment-test-library" | "free-talent-library-test"| "trial" | "unknown";
webcamRecording: "NONE" | "PHOTO" | "VIDEO";
screenRecording: "NONE" | "SCREENSHOT" | "SCREENCAPTURE";
fullscreen: boolean;
postAiProctoring: boolean;
practiceMode: boolean;
programs: {
uuid: string;
name: string;
stages: {
uuid: string;
name: string;
emailTemplates: {
name: string;
subject: string;
privateChatEnabled: boolean;