Navigation to the Import Users
Below is a sample JSON file that you can use as an example to create your own.
The above example is used to create a single User. You can inspect the JSON file to create your own.
You can use these JSON properties:
username | User’s username |
password | User’s password |
fullname | User’s full name |
User’s contact e-mail address (to send invitation e-mails) | |
folder | Name of the folder that the user will be placed. |
active | Active/passive status of the User |
true (user is active can log in) | |
false (user is not active cannot log in.) |
roles | User’s role in your Organization. A User can have multiple Roles. |
USER (Regular User) | |
EDITOR (Editor) | |
OPERATOR (Operator) | |
MANAGER (Manager) | |
QUESTION SUBMITTER (Question Submitter) | |
QUESTION BANK SUPERVISOR (Question Bank Supervisor) | |
Special (Special) |
tags | User’s Tag Name(s) and Tag Value(s). A User can have multiple Tags. |
Department | |
Section | |
Group | |
Category | |
Position | |
Class | |
Source |
To update Users’ information in bulk with a JSON file, you need to know the ID of the Users you want to update. You can't update the User information without their ID information. .
You need to format your JSON file to delete/update Users in bulk.
While updating Users in bulk, you can also delete and add new Users. To delete a user, you need to add the ''deleted'' property to that user and set it to true.
Note: This JSON file has 2 extra properties: deleted and id. These fields are used when you bulk update the Users’ information.