Exam Software Question Types
Question Types and Formats in Exam Software
Let the user respond by
Advanced question types to measure any kind of skill.
Ask your questions with different Question formats
Add rich content and any kind of media into your question.
Image: Upload your image or add an image URL.
Audio: Upload your audio into the question. Define how many times the user can listen to the audio and whether the audio can be paused.
Video: Upload your video or embed a YouTube video. Define how many times the user can watch the video and whether the video can be paused.
Hints: Add hint content to your question. The user can show/hide the hint.
Feedback: Add feedback into your question. Feedbacks can be setup to be displayed during (practice mode) or after the assessment (test mode) if the question is not answered correctly.

Multiple Choice Question Types
User responds by making selection
Add any kind of rich content, text or media (image, audio, video) into your options.
Determine how many of the options can be selected all together at minimum and at maximum.
Assign penalty scores for the wrong options. Define minimum and maximum points the responder can get.
Assign effects into options if question has no correct answer (for personality tests & inventories)

Matching & Sorting Questions
User responds by ordering or matching items
Add any kind of rich content, text or media (image, audio, video) into your items.
Determine how many of the options can be matched at minimum and at maximum.
Assign penalty scores for the wrong matches. Define minimum and maximum points the responder can get.

Speaking Questions
User responds by recording voice.
Set a time limit for the response
Limit how many times the user can try to record

Interview Questions
User responds by recording video through the webcam.
Set a time limit for the response
Limit how many times the user can try to record

"Take a Photo" Question
User responds by taking a photo via the web camera or a taking a screenshot of the computer screen.
Use any display media connected to the device
Take a photo via the web camera
Take a screen shot of the device's screen.

Writing Question
User responds by writing.
Single line or multiple lines
Simple texts
Optional rich content editor with file, audio, video upload options.
Add validation rules for the answer.
Add evaluation rules to automatically evaluate the given answer.

Coding Question
User responds by writing code.
Select among the many software programming language options
Set a starting content and ask the user to continue

"Upload a File" Question
User responds by uploading a file.

Evaluating Answers & Writing Reviews
Evaluate Answers to the Subjective Questions
After an exam is complete, you can get access to the responses and evaluate answers easily. The reports are updated automatically.

Write a Review
In response to user's answer, you can write a review inside the rich content editor and communicate your review with the user.

It is the most advanced exam editor I have ever seen. You can create all kinds of exam setups. Everything has been considered.

Question Types and Formats for Digital Assessments
You can enrich the content of your questions by adding different content and any kind of media to your questions. You can add images; you can add audio and decide how many times it can be listened to by the user or whether it can be paused or not; you can upload a video or embed a video link and decide if it can be replayed or paused; you can add hints; you can add feedback to show up if the question is answered incorrectly. You can also determine how many options can be selected at once at the minimum and maximum in the multiple-choice questions.
Objective and Subjective Question Types in Online Education
Conducting assessments in online education is a complicated case. Deciding on the assessment method and preparing the assessments are the two compelling sides of online assessment in remote education. Conducting online exams and tests is one of the most preferred methods of assessment. While conducting these assessments, deciding on the question types is the most significant point. Multiple-choice questions can be considered as the most popular question type in online assessments since they are easier to check and go over. However, open-ended questions, i.e. input questions, matching and sorting questions, essay questions, and speaking questions can be used effectively according to the field. These other types of questions such as input questions are preferred widely since they usually require subjective answers and seem more reliable.
Frequently Used Question Types for Recruitment
Recruitment is one of the fields that online assessment use is highly promoted. Remote assessment tools are widely used in hiring processes which makes these tools pretty important. The most important part of the assessment tools is determining the questions. There are various question types you can use in your online recruitment process. You can request video or audio recordings as answers to your interview questions. You have control over the answer lengths and the number of the recording tries of the candidates. Also, photograph answers can be requested in which the candidates can take a photo through their webcams or they can take screenshots. Apart from the audio and video format answers, the candidates can also respond by writing to the questions you will determine.