Question bank schema

Regulate your question bank
February, 2023

What is the Question bank schema?

Question bank schema helps you organize and regulate your question bank for a structured and efficient system.

Before diving into the topic of a question bank schema and its applications, let's begin by addressing the most fundamental questions.

What is the default behavior of the question bank, without using a schema?

Testinvite's Question Bank is highly flexible and allows you to create folders and tags on-the-go, without the need for pre-definition. Simply enter the name of a new folder or tag and the Question Bank will automatically create it for you. This gives you the ability to organize your questions as you see fit, in real-time, without any limitations or restrictions. You can place a question in a folder by simply writing the folder name and the Question Bank will automatically create the folder for you. The same process applies for tags, and you can create and assign tags to questions at any time without pre-defining them.

What is wrong with that approach?

This method is well-suited for small teams or organizations that don't maintain a vast collection of questions, as it eliminates the requirement for time-intensive setup, resulting in a more flexible and spontaneous work environment. However, when collaborating with a larger team or managing a question bank that contains a significant number of questions, having established guidelines can be advantageous. Here is where the question bank schema comes in handy. It assists in organizing and standardizing your question bank, creating a structured and efficient system.

How can a schema help you regulate your question bank?

A schema enables you to pre-establish folders and the available tags for each folder. The schema can be highly restrictive, meaning only the pre-defined values can be utilized, or you can take a more flexible approach by pre-defining folders and tags, but not enforcing their usage. Implementing a schema can aid in avoiding errors when assigning folders and tags to a question, as the schema may impose guidelines.

How to start defining a schema?

To access the schema editor, navigate to your question bank, click on the menu icon located at the top-right corner of the page, and choose "Schema" from the available options.

Navigating to the question bank schema editor<br>
Navigating to the question bank schema editor
  • Turn on the schema by clicking the 'Active' toggle.
    • Add folder definitions into your schema by clicking on the red "plus" icon next to the Folders label.
      • Activate each folder that you've created by editing each folder.
        • Click on the save button at the top right corner of the page.

          How does the question bank schema work?

          The Question Bank Schema enables the definition of folders and their associated tags, as well as the permissible values for each tag. Once the schema is established, the system enforces compliance with the schema among all users of the Question Bank. This means that you can control which folders can be utilized and require specific tags to be used whenever a question is added to a folder.

          Once the schema is put into effect, the system mandates all users of the question bank to abide by the definitions outlined in the schema.
          Once the schema is put into effect, the system mandates all users of the question bank to abide by the definitions outlined in the schema.

          Strict folders

          By choosing the Strict folders option, the system restricts a question to be placed within one of the folders specified within the schema.

          Strict tags

          Selecting the Strict tags option imposes a restriction that a question can only be assigned to the tags defined within the schema for its corresponding folder.

          Strict values

          The Strict values option enforces a restriction that a tag can possess only one of the values specified.

          Required tag

          When you mark a tag as required, the question editor will force the user to enter a value for the tag.


          Mustafa Ekim

          Mustafa Ekim, founder of TestInvite and QuizCV, brings nearly a decade of expertise in building online assessment platforms for custom, secure tests.
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