Utilize the Best Online Sustained Attention (Numerical) Test for Recruitment
Cognitive & Aptitude
Sustained attention is required to complete any planned task, sequential action, or thinking. Testinvite Talent Sustained Attention Test measures the ability to sustain attention to numerical data (stimuli). Identifying the skills of sustained attention is crucial for candidates' hiring decisions and applying the right tools and helping employees be more productive. Request A Demo
Language English
Time 10 min
Level Advanced
Questions 0

About the Numerical Sustained Attention Test - Numerical

Sustained attention is a type of attention defined as the ability to direct attention to a target stimulus for a long time. To finish any cognitive task, sequential action, or thinking, sustained attention must be used. This cognitive ability is crucial for accomplishing everyday activities carefully and accurately. Poor sustained attention skills make daily tasks more difficult to complete and lower efficiency, resulting in the inability to adapt to environmental demands or modify behavior. Practice and cognitive training can improve sustained attention.

The ability to accurately and efficiently transform the mental focus into a stimulus depends on sustained attention. Effective recognition, learning, and memory cannot be achieved without sustained attention; hence assessment of sustained attention is useful in hiring processes. Testinvite Talent Sustained Attention Test helps you identify candidates who can maintain the focus of their attention on a numerical stimulus for extended periods. Each question has the task of filtering specific numbers from the given numerical data.

Sustained attention ability is a typical requirement in the workplace. Many positions such as Sales Manager, and Office Assistant depend on having at least basic sustained attention skills. Furthermore, sustained attention is particularly critical in positions that require continuous attention for long periods, such as Air Traffic Controller, Radar Operator Software Developer, Administrator, Computer Programmer, Psychologist, and Surgeon.



We recommend combining Testinvite’s Talent Core Skill Tests to create the best assessment solution for your recruitment process. You can add up to six tests to each assessment.

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Sustained attention task measures the ability to direct attention to a target stimulus for a long time.

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